Encounter #1:
Valle de Elque, Chile, 1986, Evening, End of Summer, Walking on the road in town - Bright white sphere hovering in the sky. No one else seemed to see it. Went into the store to buy bread. The sphere was still there. A black hole formed in the middle, forming a silver donut. I ran inside to tell my family. No one would listen. When I went back outside it was no longer there, replaced by the sound of military helicopters and the deafening sound of the MiG-29 mirage fighter jets. I then knew it wasn’t my imagination.
Encounter #2:
Estación Central Commune, Santiago, Chile, 1987, Evening. I saw the same figure, referred to as white guy * inside my house. It frightened me to tears and remains a part of my psyche.
100 UFOs were inspired by the recent recollection of phenomenological experiences of my youth. Further research about these sightings led to an obsession to rediscover, and experience in an alternate way, representations of my own childhood encounters.
Images for UFOs sourced from Encounters, a book by John Mack, interviews from the documentary, Witness of Another World (*descriptions of the "white guy" encounter are described in this documentary, and various other sites on the internet.
Skyway Contemporary Art Exhibition, 2024.
Carola Miles, 100 UFOs, Graphite on paper, 7in x 5in each.
St.Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts (installation photo), St. Pete, Florida.